
Smart tech makes smarter shoppers

Shops will find it pays to wise up to the ways smart technology upgrades customer experience. That's the message from a new study on how people shop.

Thunderstorms create radioactivity, scientists discover

Thunder and lightning have sparked awe and fear in humans since time immemorial. In both modern and ancient cultures, these natural phenomena are often thought to be governed by some of the most important and powerful gods ...

Designing new metal alloys using engineered nanostructures

Materials science is a field that Jason Trelewicz has been interested in since he was a young child, when his father—an engineer—would bring him to work. In the materials lab at his father's workplace, Trelewicz would ...

Helpers at the nest may allow mother birds to lay smaller eggs

Cooperatively breeding birds and fish may have evolved the adaptive ability to reduce the size of their eggs when helpers are available to lighten the parental load, a new study suggests. The findings indicate that in some ...

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