
Washington state youth sue government over climate change

Eight children asked a Seattle judge Tuesday to find Washington state in contempt for failing to adequately protect them and future generations from the harmful effects of climate change, part of a nationwide effort by young ...

Female monkeys use wile to rally troops

Female vervet monkeys manipulate males into fighting battles by lavishing attention on brave soldiers while giving noncombatants the cold shoulder, researchers said Wednesday.

Poisonous amphibian defenses are linked to higher extinction risk

Research published by a Swansea University scientist has found amphibians which have a toxic defence against predators—such as the iconic poison dart frogs—have a much higher risk of extinction than species which use ...

DNA analysis of bluebird feces reveals benefits for vineyards

Do bluebirds nesting in California's vineyards help grape growers by eating agricultural pests, or hurt them by eating insects that are beneficial? The researchers behind a new study in The Auk: Ornithological Advances found ...

What messages do female birds' markings send?

Both male and female birds use traits like plumage brightness to size each other up, but a new study on Northern Cardinals in The Auk: Ornithological Advances shows that the meanings of female birds' markings may vary from ...

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