
Research sheds new light on enigmatic seabird

They are a common sight off the UK's west coast in summer, but we still have much to learn about the Manx shearwater, a remarkably long-lived Atlantic marine bird.

Manipulating transistors at terahertz frequencies

An interdisciplinary team at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum has found a way of accessing the interior of transistors. The researchers have manipulated the electron gas contained within by applying resonators to generate rhythmic ...

Climate is changing fast in West Antarctica

When the ship pulls up at Palmer Station each Antarctic spring, the arriving scientists glance up at the massive glacier that covers most of Anvers Island. It has been retreating about 7 meters per year, and this year is ...

Tandem solar cells are more efficient

Stacking two solar cells one over the other has advantages: Because the energy is "harvested" in two stages, and overall the sunlight can be converted to electricity more efficiently. Empa researchers have come up with a ...

Climate change and the catastrophic wildfire

Over the past several months news of widespread wildfires has coursed through the media from every corner of the world. In the United States, the wildfire season is now two months longer than it was 100 years ago. In 2015 ...

Inferring the star formation rates of galaxies

Our Milky Way galaxy produces on average a few new stars every year across the entire system. Massive young stars emit large amounts of ultraviolet radiation which heats the local dust, and so the star formation process results ...

Geological relics point to Nullarbor climate shift

People travelling across the Nullarbor Plain nowadays would be used to the region's arid nature but it may surprise some to learn that climate conditions along the Nullarbor were exactly the opposite approximately 3-5 million ...

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