
Computers can perceive image curves like artists

Imagine computers being able to understand paintings or paint abstract images much like humans. Bo Li at Umeå University in Sweden demonstrates a breakthrough concept in the field of computer vision using curves and lines ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Rick become a post-tropical low

The remnants of post-tropical cyclone Rick continued to linger in the Eastern Pacific Ocean on November 23. An animation of visible and infrared imagery from NOAA's GOES-West satellite showed the weakening of Tropical Storm ...

New research suggests a novel route in the fight against cancer

In a new study published today in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, scientists from the University of Surrey have uncovered a collection of important proteins that carry out and regulate critical biological processes. ...

Stretchy slabs found in the deep Earth

A new study suggests that the common belief that the Earth's rigid tectonic plates stay strong when they slide under another plate, known as subduction, may not be universal.

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