
Extreme density—approaching a poorly understood state of matter

Warm dense matter displays characteristics of all other physical states at the same time, in apparent contradiction. The Kiel-based scientists have now developed a new simulation technique which overcomes the inaccuracies ...

Chemists create switchable gold catalyst

A gold catalyst whose behaviour can be controlled by the addition of acid or metal ion cofactors has been designed by chemists from the University of Southampton.

Scots beat Inuit in words for snow

It is often said that the Inuit have 50 different words for snow but researchers at the University of Glasgow have discovered that the Scots have even more.

Remembering the Vela incident

Thirty-six years ago today, a strange event was detected over the Southern Indian Ocean that remains controversial. On September 22nd, 1979, an American Vela Hotel satellite detected an atmospheric explosion over the southern ...

Stunning new Pluto aerial tour

I'm Stuart Robbins, a research scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft made hundreds of individual observations during its flyby of the Pluto system in mid-July. ...

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