
Understanding a new kind of magnetism

Using low-frequency laser pulses, a team of researchers has carried out the first measurements that reveal the detailed characteristics of a unique kind of magnetism found in a mineral called herbertsmithite.

Teaching a computer to perceive the world without human input

Humans can see an object—a chair, for example—and understand what they are seeing, even when something about it changes, such as its position. A computer, on the other hand, can't do that. It can learn to recognize a ...

Solving the bottleneck in biogas production

Agro-biogas plants produce renewable energy, extracting gas produced in the anaerobic fermentation of animal manures mixed with organic wastes from the food sector. One by-product of this fermentation process is a thick liquid ...

Reducing CO2 footprint with bio-plastics

Today, the vast majority of plastics are still made using non-renewable fossil fuels, especially petroleum. With concerns about environmental impact and climate change increasing, some researchers have begun to look for alternatives.

Chasing the black holes of the ocean

According to researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Miami, some of the largest ocean eddies on Earth are mathematically equivalent to the mysterious black holes of space. These eddies are so tightly shielded by ...

Cutting pneumonia deaths with electricity-free oxygen devices

Pneumonia kills more children worldwide than malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis combined. This is surprising given that treatment for pneumonia is relatively simple. In rich countries survival rates are very high, but in remote ...

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