
Image: Saturn-lit Tethys

Cassini gazes across the icy rings of Saturn toward the icy moon Tethys, whose night side is illuminated by Saturnshine, or sunlight reflected by the planet.

17.6 million Americans live close to active oil or gas wells

An estimated 17.6 million Americans live within one mile of an active oil or gas well, according to a study published today (August 23), in Environmental Health Perspectives, a peer-reviewed journal published by the National ...

ExxonMobil 'double speak' on climate laid bare

ExxonMobil knowingly misled the public for decades about the danger climate change poses to a warming world and the company's long-term viability, according to a peer-reviewed study, released on Wednesday, of research and ...

Warming Arctic spurs battles for riches, shipping routes

From a distance, the northern shores of Baffin Island in the Arctic appear barren—a craggy world of snow-capped peaks and glaciers surrounded by a sea of floating ice even in the midst of summer.

Automated safety systems are preventing car crashes

Safety systems to prevent cars from drifting into another lane or that warn drivers of vehicles in their blind spots are beginning to live up to their potential to significantly reduce crashes, according to two studies released ...

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