
AI spots shipwrecks from the ocean surface and from the air

In collaboration with the United States Navy's Underwater Archaeology Branch, I taught a computer how to recognize shipwrecks on the ocean floor from scans taken by aircraft and ships on the surface. The computer model we ...

Trailblazing standard set to tackle plastic pellet pollution

Retailers concerned by the ever-growing scourge of marine plastic pollution can, at long last, take practical action to tackle an entirely preventable form of plastic pollution within their supply chains. From July 2021, ...

Great Barrier Reef avoids UNESCO 'in danger' listing

Australia on Friday avoided having the Great Barrier Reef listed as an endangered world heritage site by UNESCO, despite extensive climate change-fuelled damage to the ecosystem's corals.

Monsoon floods leave thousands stranded in India

The Indian Navy and Air Force joined rescue efforts in the western state of Maharashtra on Friday after heavy monsoon rains left thousands stranded in floods and landslides that have killed at least three people.

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