
Sneeze cam reveals best fabric combos for cloth masks

During the COVID-19 pandemic, cloth face masks became a way to help protect yourself and others from the virus. And for some people, they became a fashion statement, with many fabric choices available. But just how effective ...

First clear view of a boiling cauldron where stars are born

University of Maryland researchers created the first high-resolution image of an expanding bubble of hot plasma and ionized gas where stars are born. Previous low-resolution images did not clearly show the bubble or reveal ...

Exoskeletal microstructure of extremely hard coconut crab claws

The NIMS Research Center for Structural Materials and the Okinawa Churashima Foundation Research Center jointly ascertained the microstructure and chemical composition of the extremely tough exoskeletons of coconut crab claws, ...

OSCAR detects cells in standby mode

Dormancy is a sleep-like state of cells that protects them from genetic damage and thus prolongs their survival. This state is reversible and characterized by low metabolic activity and division rate. Researchers from the ...

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