
Addressing inequity in air quality

Air quality varies greatly within regions and cities around the world, and exposure to air pollution can have severe health impacts. In the U.S., people of color are disproportionately exposed to poor air quality. A cover ...

Machine learning aids earthquake risk prediction

Our homes and offices are only as solid as the ground beneath them. When that solid ground turns to liquid—as sometimes happens during earthquakes—it can topple buildings and bridges. This phenomenon is known as liquefaction, ...

Use of additional data improves regional weather forecasts

Modern weather forecasts rely heavily on data retrieved from numerical weather prediction models. These models continue to improve and have advanced considerably throughout more than half a century. However, forecast reliability ...

10 keys to integrating health into urban and transport planning

As much as 20% of premature mortality can be attributed to poor urban and transport planning. Nevertheless, quantitative indicators to guide the integration of health components into urban design have been lacking. To address ...

The origins of farming insects

A beetle bores a tree trunk to build a gallery in the wood in order to protect its lay. As it digs the tunnel, it spreads ambrosia fungal spores that will feed the larvae. When these bore another tree, the adult beetles will ...

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