
When certain consumers bought its lemonade, did Frito-Lay groan?

Positive customer feedback, to say nothing of positive sales, is always a good sign of a new product's potential success, right? Not necessarily, says a new study in the Journal of Marketing Research. According to the study, ...

Justice system chips away at women's rights

Arrests of women increased dramatically in the past two decades, while domestic abuse laws meant to protect female victims have put many behind bars for defending themselves, a new paper argues.

Researchers identify new class of antifungal agents

Researchers have identified a new class of antifungals to treat the more than 300 million people worldwide who develop serious fungal infections. The research is described in the current issue of mBio, the online open-access ...

Disabled people pilot a robot remotely with their thoughts

Using a telepresence system developed at EPFL, 19 people—including nine quadriplegics—were able to remotely control a robot located in one of the university laboratories. This multi-year research project aims to give ...

Video: Why do we love music?

Whether it's rock, hip-hop, classical or deep house, everyone has a favorite kind of music. But why do we love to throw on the headphones and get lost in the beat? It turns out that chemistry plays a big role in your favorite ...

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