
Researchers make a two-neuron network

The human brain is an exquisitely complex, organic CPU, made of trillions of connections between many billions of neurons. Understanding such a complicated organ is a massive scientific undertaking, and researchers often ...

One-way roads for spin currents

Spin is a type of angular momentum intrinsic to particles, roughly speaking as if they were spinning on themselves. Particles can exchange their spin, and in this way spin currents can be formed in a material. Through years ...

Why birds don't have teeth

Why did birds lose their teeth? Was it so they would be lighter in the air? Or are pointy beaks better for worm-eating than the jagged jaws of dinosaur ancestors?

Wyoming makes rush for hyped new tech, results still virtual

Block Chain Gang LLC, Crypto Cowboy, Something Something Blockchain LLC: Based on the names of dozens of new companies registering to set up shop in Wyoming, the state's effort to lure the latest tech craze appears to be ...

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