
Improving accuracy in genome editing

Imagine a day when scientists are able to alter the DNA of organisms in the lab in the search for answers to a host of questions. Or imagine a day when doctors treat genetic disorders by administering drugs designed to alter ...

Ultra-sensitive sensor detects individual electrons

A Spanish-led team of European researchers at the University of Cambridge has created an electronic device so accurate that it can detect the charge of a single electron in less than one microsecond. It has been dubbed the ...

Girls gain confidence with IT when boys aren't around

The National Centre for Women in Information Technology (IT) reported in 2012 on the lack of interest girls show in IT and how they are less likely to pursue a career in IT than boys. Our research found one reason for this ...

Regenerative agriculture offering greater plant biodiversity

The European project LIFE REGEN FARMING, led by the Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development NEIKER-Tecnalia, is seeking to produce healthier, more fertile pastures that offer greater plant biodiversity. ...

Flight of the methane hunters

At just a bit over crop duster height, University of Michigan researchers are flying through a 50-square-mile hotspot of the greenhouse gas methane over the U.S. Southwest.

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