
Flower-enriched farms boost bee populations

A two-year study of farms in West Sussex and Hampshire found that England's most common bumblebee species saw significant population growth where targeted, bee-friendly planting schemes were in place.

New study to examine Aussie English

A new study of Australian English is trying to find out if Australians all sound the same, or if people speak differently in the country compared to cities or across the states.

Utilisation of smartwatches in situations requiring alerts

VTT Technical Research of Centre Ltd has developed various kinds of software for smartwatches that utilise speech recognition in social communication and show smart traffic data on the watch display. Now, you no longer need ...

A graphene solution for microwave interference

Microwave communication is ubiquitous in the modern world, with electromagnetic waves in the tens of gigahertz range providing efficient transmission with wide bandwidth for data links between Earth-orbiting satellites and ...

DNA reveals the origins of modern Europeans

Europe is famously tesselated, with different cultural and language groups clustering in different regions. But how did they all get there? And how are they related?

Cooperative software framework helps tame "too big" data

Furthering work involving the Graph Engine for Multithreaded Systems, or GEMS, a multilayer software framework for querying graph databases developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, scientists from PNNL and NVIDIA ...

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