
Study finds location sharing by apps prompts privacy action

Many smartphone users know that free apps sometimes share private information with third parties, but few, if any, are aware of how frequently this occurs. An experiment at Carnegie Mellon University shows that when people ...

Scientists call for caution in using DNA-editing technology

A group of 18 scientists and ethicists today warned that a revolutionary new tool to cut and splice DNA should be used cautiously when attempting to fix human genetic disease, and strongly discouraged any attempts at making ...

Catching dead satellites with nets

One of humanity's oldest technologies, the humble fishing net, may yet find a new role in space: bringing down dead satellites.

Graphene applications in mobile communication

GSM, UMTS, LTE, WiFi, Bluetooth – to name just a few of the wireless standards that have become a natural part of mobile communication today. For all these wireless standards, signal processing could not be done without ...

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