
Humanoid robot supports emergency response teams

Researchers at IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia tested a new version of the WALK-MAN humanoid robot for supporting emergency response teams in fires. The robot is able to locate the fire and walk toward it, and then activate ...

Researchers turn light upside down

Researchers from CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian, Spain) and collaborators have reported in Science the development of a so-called hyperbolic metasurface on which light propagates with completely reshaped wafefronts. This scientific ...

New staining method enables Nano-CT imaging of tissue samples

To date, examining patient tissue samples has meant cutting them into thin slices for histological analysis. This could change, thanks to a new staining method devised by an interdisciplinary team from the Technical University ...

Disease-bearing mosquitoes gain from shrinkage of green spaces

Urbanization and the resulting shrinkage of green spaces in cities are a boon for mosquitoes that transmit pathogens, including Aedes aegypti (dengue) and Culex quinquefasciatus (lymphatic filariasis). More adapted to urban ...

BMW plans electric Mini production in China

German auto giant BMW said Friday it plans to build an electric version of its compact Mini in China, in a possible joint venture with local partner Great Wall.

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