
Mass extinction of species has begun

On March 9, world-renowned environmentalist Professor Norman Myers will deliver a lecture at Macquarie University in Sydney, announcing the beginnings of the largest mass extinction in 65 million years and discussing what ...

Sydney reports high levels of pollution

The city of Sydney, Australia, is experiencing a smog-filed summer season as air pollution levels double and officials have issued 14 health warnings.

Galactic X-ray background source is found

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany say they've found the origin of galactic background emissions -- white dwarf stars.

Research team works on tyre-ice friction

Experts from Scotland's Edinburgh University are working on a study aimed at developing electronic brooms to help cars stay on icy roads, reports Nature News. The Scottish scientists have teamed up with Olympic curlers in ...

India eyes hi-tech manufacturing

India is now finally poised to realize its dreams of moving beyond software into the very heart of hi-tech manufacturing: the microchips.

Man-made prostate created by women

In a giant step towards understanding prostate disease, Melbourne scientists have grown a human prostate from embryonic stem cells. A study published in the March edition of Nature Methods describes how human embryonic stem ...

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