
Collective circular dichroism by chiral plasmonic nanoparticles

Molecular chirality refers to the geometrical property of molecules with broken mirror symmetry. Characterizing molecular chirality and understanding their roles in physiochemical situations has been important in broad research ...

Direct observation of the electron and positron capture process

Positrons are anti-particles of electrons. At SuperKEKB B-Factory (SuperKEKB), they are produced in copious amounts and smashed into electrons at world-record luminosity. By studying the hundreds of decay patterns of B mesons ...

Male gender bias deters men from some career paths

Men are less likely to seek careers in early education and some other fields traditionally associated with women because of male gender bias in those fields, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Cheerful chatbots don't necessarily improve customer service

Imagine messaging an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot about a missing package and getting the response that it would be "delighted" to help. Once the bot creates the new order, they say they are "happy" to resolve the ...

California quake occurred in very seismically active region

The big earthquake that rocked the far north coast of California on Tuesday originated in an area under the Pacific Ocean where multiple tectonic plates collide, creating the state's most seismically active region.

Managing precision and stabilizing local knowledge

In 1911, a meridian circle manufactured by A. Repsold & Söhne in Hamburg, Germany, was installed at the National Astronomical Observatory of Chile under the watch of Friedrich W. Ristenpart, a German astronomer and the observatory's ...

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