
Electrical control over designer quantum materials

Exploring the properties and behaviors of strongly interacting quantum particles is one of the frontiers of modern physics. Not only are there major open problems that await solutions, some of them since decades (think high-temperature ...

New technology allows molecules to enter cells safely

Professor Kevin Braeckmans from Ghent University focused the last 10 years on a method for safe engineering of therapeutic cells with photothermal nanofibers. Today, Nature Nanotechnology gives insight in how these biocompatible ...

Drought curbs a vine disease

Drought and disease are a source of pressure on vines, causing yield loss and mortality in vineyards. But these plant stresses do not necessarily act in synergy. A research team from INRAE, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, the Université ...

Revealing the 'hidden half' of grain using synchrotron imaging

Professor of Soil Science at The University of Queensland Peter Kopittke and co-principal investigator Professor Enzo Lombi of the University of SA are very optimistic about the use of a new synchrotron-based imaging technique ...

Carnivores may adjust schedule to avoid each other

Just as humans may leave their home five minutes early to avoid a talkative neighbor or depart work late to avoid a rude coworker, carnivorous mammals may go out of their way to avoid other species. But they're not trying ...

New research finds double damage in freshwater systems

Organisms at the base of the aquatic food web may be hidden from sight, but they are just as sensitive to climate change as other plant and animal life, according to a study published in Scientific Reports.

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