
Rethinking the role of technology in the classroom

Preparing elementary school students for active citizenship in an increasingly digital world requires introducing them to the latest technologies, but engaging those same kids in the classroom and involving their parents ...

New species take longer to arise in the Amazon

Amazonia is home to the greatest number of species on earth, many now threatened, but a new study published October 22 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Jason Weir from the University of Toronto and Trevor Price ...

All-organic farming could increase UK emissions: study

An all-out shift to organic farming in England and Wales could lead to a net increase in Britain's greenhouse gas emissions as a drop in yields would lead to higher food imports, scientists estimated Tuesday.

Ants: Jam-free traffic champions

Whether they occur on holiday routes or the daily commute, traffic jams affect cars as well as pedestrians. Scientists at the Research Center on Animal Cognition (CNRS/Université Toulouse III—Paul Sabatier) and the University ...

Lead isotopes a new tool for tracking coal ash

Inhaling dust that contains fly ash particles from coal combustion has been linked to lung and heart disease, cancer, nervous system disorders and other ill effects.

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