
Dealing with the unexpected

To regain balance from an unexpected slip on the ice can require an abundance of rapid movement, but conscious thought isn't part of the equation.

Using gold particles to fight cancer

Researchers at the MIRA Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine, University of Twente, The Netherlands, are developing a method of detecting and treating tumors with the help of gold particles with dimensions ...

Mars meteorite controversy continues

The most illustrious meteorite in history continues to inspire heated debate. Does it carry microbial fossils from Mars or are its strange features just the product of some unique geochemistry? After almost 20 years, dueling ...

Useful lessons in ventilation provided by insects' mounds

While some power companies scour the globe for steady winds to drive giant turbines, a biologist is turning to lowly termites and their lofty mounds to understand how to harness far more common intermittent breezes, seeking ...

Most mortgage meltdowns not caused by subprimes

Subprime mortgages were not the main reason behind the housing crisis that started in 2009 and continues to bedevil the faltering U.S. economy, according to a University of Michigan study.

Climate change dictated by the ocean

(PhysOrg.com) -- The influence of the world’s oceans over carbon dioxide levels and climate change is better understood thanks to researchers from the University of Canberra and The Australian National University.

Wild cats roam the Tucson Mountains

(PhysOrg.com) -- For the first time, mountain lions and bobcats have been photographed as part of an in-depth monitoring study in the Tucson Mountains, a small island of habitat facing increasing segregation from surrounding ...

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