
The CoRoT space mission: Early results

Astronomy & Astrophysics is publishing a special issue this week dedicated to the early results of the CoRoT space mission. The CoRoT (Convection, Rotation & planetary Transits) satellite is a 30 centimeter space telescope, ...

New artificial enzyme safer for nature

Perilous and polluting industrial processes can be made safer with enzymes. But only a short range of enzymes have been available for the chemical industry.

How white is a paper?

Whiter paper and better color reproduction are examples of important competitive advantages on an international market. But how white is a paper? And why do vacation photos turn out so dark if you don't buy expensive photo ...

Nanowire biocompatibility in the brain: So far so good

The biological safety of nanotechnology, in other words, how the body reacts to nanoparticles, is a hot topic. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have managed for the first time to carry out successful experiments involving ...

A new technique identifies versions of the same song

A team of researchers from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF, Spain) has developed a system to identify common patterns in versions of songs, which will help to quantify the similarity of musical pieces. The technique, which appears ...

Geologist analyzes earliest shell-covered fossil animals

The fossil remains of some of the first animals with shells, ocean-dwelling creatures that measure a few centimeters in length and date to about 520 million years ago, provide a window on evolution at this time, according ...

Bringing gaming to the disabled

Ironically, it was located in one of the least-accessible areas of the Games for Health conference held a few months ago in Boston. Up a set of stairs and around a corner from the large conference halls and breakout rooms ...

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