
Wildfire smoke is unraveling decades of air quality gains

Wildfire smoke now exposes millions of Americans each year to dangerous levels of fine particulate matter, lofting enough soot across parts of the West in recent years to erase much of the air quality gains made over the ...

How digital technologies and remote work affect well-being

Many people are kept from falling asleep by thoughts that revolve around work even after the workday is over. In collaboration with Professor Sandra Ohly from the University of Kassel, Professor Marcel Kern, Head of the Work ...

Cell Rover: Exploring and augmenting the inner world of a cell

Researchers at the MIT Media Lab have designed a miniature antenna that can operate wirelessly inside of a living cell, opening up possibilities in medical diagnostics and treatment and other scientific processes because ...

The scourge of sexual violence in West Africa, unveiled

When Zougba's husband fled the jihadist violence crippling Burkina Faso, she soon found herself with her young son, daughter and other women on the road in a mission to join him. After 10km, four armed men surged into view ...

How to train doctors in a pandemic

One of the great ironies of lockdowns, border closures, and self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic is that medical students, as with so many other people in education, were forced online for their ongoing studies. Medical ...

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