
The hidden mechanisms of apple watercore formation

Watercore is known to be a physiological disorder in Rosaceae fruits that site-specifically appears as water-soaked and translucent flesh tissue adjacent to the vascular core, which generally occurs by exposure to low temperatures ...

Image: Gloomy moonscape created for rover test

A sun barely peeking over a cratered horizon, casting long shadows across a rocky moonscape: ESA's Erasmus Innovation Center was transformed into an analog of the moon's polar regions, in a dress rehearsal for an international ...

Aquatic insects are sensitive to light pollution

Light pollution—too much artificial light in the wrong place at the wrong time is one reason for the decline in insect numbers worldwide. New research from the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries ...

Blowing up medieval gunpowder recipes

First used for battle in China in about 900 A.D., gunpowder spread throughout Eurasia by the end of the 13th century, eventually revolutionizing warfare as a propellant in firearms and artillery. Meanwhile, master gunners ...

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