
Continental growth is not a continuous process

The continents, a specific feature of our planet, still hold many secrets. Using chemical data on sedimentary rocks compiled from the scientific literature from the 1980s to the present day, CNRS researcher Marion Garçon ...

Mimicking how water and wind create complex shapes in nature

Intricate natural formations like star-shaped sand dunes or arc-shaped rocks can appear so purposeful in form that it's easy to wonder whether someone has designed them. Scientists have long recognized that a particular combination ...

Online searches may reduce predisposed belief in misinformation

A new analysis suggests that online searches could help correct people's predisposed belief in misinformation, but that searching may still promote negative feelings about a targeted minority group, despite correction of ...

Early Homo sapiens groups in Europe faced subarctic climates

Using oxygen stable isotope analysis of tooth enamel from animals butchered by humans at the site of Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria, Max Planck researchers show that human groups belonging to an early wave of dispersal of our ...

Recording Roman resource exploitation and urban collapse

For hundreds of years, Carthage—the Phoenician city-state in North Africa—flourished, establishing itself as a robust trade empire with widespread colonies. As the Carthaginian and Roman empires expanded their reach across ...

New insights into how KLF4 influences gene expression

A team led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine has discovered a mechanism by which transcription factor KLF4 can help to organize chromatin, thus influencing gene expression.

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