
Intensive monoculture is putting water systems in peril

The global spread of vast forest plantations and agricultural monocultures are turning once diverse landscapes into areas of land supporting single plant species, with profound implications for our terrestrial water cycle, ...

Physicists create turnstile for photons

Physicists from Germany, Denmark, and Austria have succeeded in creating a kind of turnstile for light in glass fibers that allows the light particles to only pass through one at a time

We must do better at managing the wilderness that remains

It is really true that books have a life of their own. I was reminded of this recently while reading Stephen Meyer's "The End of the Wild," published in 2006. I found the book (or it found me) by chance while I was cleaning ...

Study unveils both pretty and ugly faces win at social selling

The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted e-commerce around the globe, including the consumer to consumer (C2C) markets on platforms such as social media. Interestingly, scholars from Lingnan University (LU) in Hong Kong have found ...

Monitoring river health using a robotic water sampler

Researchers from MBARI and the US Geological Survey (USGS) recently published a paper showing several ways that MBARI's Environmental Sample Processors (ESPs) can be used to monitor the health of rivers. The ESPs, which are ...

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