
Are red imported fire ants all bad?

Red imported fire ants have earned a justifiably bad rap across the south and most Texans would be hard put to name a single redeeming quality the ants have.

Studying the biology of sharks in the wild

Typically, the only activity that concerns beachgoers when it comes to sharks is the sight of a dorsal fin slicing through the water's surface. But, for Kevin Weng, assistant professor of fisheries science at William & Mary's ...

Combining the elements palladium and ruthenium for industry

The chemical elements palladium (Pd) and ruthenium (Ru) are both used separately in the chemical industry. For a long time, researchers have thought that combining the two could lead to improved and novel properties for industrial ...

Malaysia's unique freshwater mussels in danger

Researchers in Malaysia revealed that Peninsular Malaysia hosts at least three rare mussel species, one of which (Hyriopsis bialata) is not found anywhere else on the planet. Another species (Ensidens ingallsianus) may have ...

Class sizes in Michigan—the quiet crisis

New research from the Education Policy Initiative at the University of Michigan's Ford School of Public Policy found that many Michigan K-12 students experience very large core classes—with 40 or more students—but that ...

Invasive species may unexpectedly reduce disease prevalence

Humans are remarkably good at moving species around: We unwittingly carry stowaway organisms in our luggage when we fly, in our cars when we take a road trip, and on our bodies when we're simply taking a stroll.

Re-thinking waste from yogurt production

It takes four kilograms of milk to make just one kilogram of Greek yogurt. That means a lot of natural nutrients from milk are not readily being captured and Australians consume a lot of Greek yogurt.

Exploring Oceanographer Canyon by mini-sub

Along the walls of Oceanographer Canyon, fish dart in and out of colorful anemone gardens and sea creatures send up plumes of sand and mud as they burrow. Bill Ryan, an oceanographer at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty ...

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