
CasPER—a new method for diversification of enzymes

A new study published in the Metabolic Engineering Journal describes a method based on CRISPR/Cas9, which enables flexible engineering of essential and nonessential enzymes without additional engineering. This has multiple ...

Lead is poisoning children on U.S. military bases, says report

An extensive investigation by the Reuters news agency has found that many children living on U.S. military bases may be exposed to hazardous levels of lead in decaying family housing. The investigation included tests done ...

Woodpeckers and development coexist in Seattle

The two largest woodpeckers in North America, the Imperial Woodpecker and Ivory-billed Woodpecker, are believed to have gone extinct during the twentieth century. Can their surviving cousin, the Pileated Woodpecker, persist ...

Edmunds rounds up today's top hybrids

The Toyota Prius may be synonymous with hybrids, but shopping for a gas-electric car is no longer a choice between that and a handful of also-rans. Today, more than a half-dozen hybrids return 45 mpg or more while offering ...

Is Santa real? A version of Alexa skirts some kid questions

A version of Alexa won't tell kids where babies come from or spill the beans about Santa. It also won't explain some things kids might have heard on the news—like what Stormy Daniels does for a living.

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