
Liquid Alloy Shows Solid-Like Crystal Structure at Surface

A substance used in nanotechnology contains unusual structures at its surface, a team of researchers led by Oleg Shpyrko, Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, has learned. The research results, developed at Argonne's Center ...

Mathematicians Solve the 'Cocktail Party Problem'

Officials at the CIA and scientists around the world have pondered the "cocktail party problem" for decades. How could they separate one sound - perhaps a voice - from a group of other recorded sounds, perhaps a multitude ...

Revealing the earth's secrets

In biology textbooks the world over you can read about how important bacteria in the soil are for plants and animals. Now the textbooks might have to be rewritten.

Nanowire-Paper Offers Strength, Flexibility

University of Arkansas researchers have created assemblies of nanowires that show potential in applications such as armor, flame-retardant fabric, bacteria filters, oil cracking, controlled drug release, decomposition of ...

Rehydrate -- your RNA needs it

Water, that molecule-of-all-trades, is famous for its roles in shaping the Earth, sustaining living creatures and serving as a universal solvent. Now, researchers at the University of Michigan and the Academy of Sciences ...

New ultrasonic technology could help prevent train derailments

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed a new technique they said is better able than currently used technology to find defects in steel railroad tracks, including hard-to-find internal cracks ...

Ant jaws break speed record, propel insects into air

A species of ant native to Central and South America is entering the annals of extreme animal movement, boasting jaws arguably more impressive than such noteworthy contenders as the great white shark and the spotted hyena.

Engineers create gecko-inspired, high-friction micro-fibers

Inspired by the remarkable hairs that allow geckos to hang single-toed from sheer walls and scamper along ceilings, a team of researchers led by engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, has created an array of ...

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