
Celibacy: Its surprising evolutionary advantages

Why would someone join an institution that removed the option of family life and required them to be celibate? Reproduction, after all, is at the very heart of the evolution that shaped us. Yet many religious institutions ...

NASA announces Artemis concept awards for nuclear power on moon

NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are working together to advance space nuclear technologies. The agencies have selected three design concept proposals for a fission surface power system design that could be ready ...

Software upgrade for 19-year-old martian water-spotter

The MARSIS instrument on ESA's Mars Express spacecraft, famous for its role in the discovery of signs of liquid water on the Red Planet, is receiving a major software upgrade that will allow it to see beneath the surfaces ...

Discovering new plant and fungi species

There is so much we still don't know about native species in Australia and New Zealand. Best estimates suggest that we have yet to discover and name some 70% of the life living around us.

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