
Doomsaying about new technology helps make it better

That new technologies could actually be bad for us, by sapping our attention or ruining our memories, is an argument that goes back to Socrates. It's tempting to summarily dismiss these concerns, but such tech-doomsaying ...

Combating hunger with artificial intelligence

In order to improve world food conditions, a team around computer science professor Kristian Kersting was inspired by the technology behind Google News.

Polar ice may be softer than previously thought

Ice is a material that can flow like a very viscous liquid. In the polar ice sheets, it flows towards the oceans under its own weight. Knowing how fast the ice flows is of crucial importance to predict future sea level rises, ...

Receptor networks underpin plant immunity

Fresh insights into plant immunity amount to a new field of discovery that could advance the next generation of disease-resistant crops.

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