
The blue blood of the emperor scorpion x-rayed

Biologists from Mainz University are the first to successfully crystallize the hemocyanin of the emperor scorpion to shed new light on the structure and active site of the giant oxygen transport protein.

Scientists track individual raindrops inside clouds

(Phys.org) -- Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) scientists are leading a multi-agency study which reveals that a very high-resolution Doppler radar has the unique capacity to detect individual cloud hydrometeors in the free ...

UK bank customers hit by software problem

(AP) — Technicians at the British bank NatWest are trying to fix a software problem which has delayed posting of credits and debits in customer accounts.

Multiple mergers generate ultraluminous infrared galaxy

A team of astronomers led by Professor Yoshiaki Taniguchi (Ehime University) has concluded that the ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) Arp 220 developed from a multiple merger among four or more galaxies. Their new imaging ...

The phone that knows where you're going

(Phys.org) -- Can mobile phones predict our behavior? Three EPFL students won the "Nokia Mobile Data Challenge" by accurately predicting the place where phone users were likely to go next. Their method could be used to develop ...

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