
Hubble peers into globular cluster NGC 6325

The densely packed globular cluster NGC 6325 glistens in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This concentrated group of stars lies around 26,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Ophiuchus.

AI predicts the function of enzymes

Enzymes are the molecule factories in biological cells. However, which basic molecular building blocks they use to assemble target molecules is often unknown and difficult to measure. An international team including bioinformaticians ...

Q&A: Can disused croplands help mitigate climate change?

As the world struggles to meet internationally agreed targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, methods of removing carbon dioxide such as reforestation of cleared areas have become an increasingly important strategy.

Stable qubit is a prime candidate for universal quantum computer

Researchers from QuTech improved the so-called "Andreev spin qubit" in a critical way and believe it can become a prime candidate in the pursuit of a perfect qubit. The new type of qubit is created in a more reliable and ...

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