
Fishing hotspots show where sub-Antarctic seabirds at risk

A new study highlights that sub-Antarctic seabirds are most at risk from unsustainable fishing during the southern hemisphere winter and in the south Atlantic and Southwest Indian Oceans. The link between fishing and the ...

New 3-D-printed technology lowers cost of common medical test

A desire for a simpler, cheaper way to do common laboratory tests for medical diagnoses and to avoid "washing the dishes" led University of Connecticut researchers to develop a new technology that reduces cost and time.

Research on children's health risks in doubt over EPA funds

Long-running research projects credited with pivotal discoveries about the harm that pesticides, air pollution and other hazards pose to children are in jeopardy or shutting down because the Environmental Protection Agency ...

Nanoscopic protein motion on a live cell membrane

Cellular functions are dictated by the intricate motion of proteins in membranes that span across a scale of nanometers to micrometers, within a time-frame of microseconds to minutes. However, this rich parameter of space ...

Analytics technology for your waste containers

Finnish SME Enevo is taking over the European market with a technology able to reduce the cost and environmental impact of waste collection, providing a highly welcome solution that could go a long way towards keeping our ...

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