
Why are the elderly increasingly more inclined to live alone?

For decades, the elderly in Spain have shown a preference for living at home, either alone or with their partners, instead of sharing a home with relatives of other generations. A study by the University of Granada delves ...

Establishing a time scale for 10 million years ago

The timescale is the basis to reconstruct the history of the Earth and biological evolution. A research on a chronostratigraphic sequence of the Chinese Neogene with accurate geological datings was published online in Science ...

Novel bioactive steroid biosynthetic pathway in symbiotic fungi

A group of researchers from Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at The University of Tokyo and Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products at Jinan University, identified the biosynthetic gene cluster ...

CRISPR-edited rice plants produce major boost in grain yield

A team of scientists from Purdue University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has used CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology to develop a variety of rice that produces 25-31 percent more grain and would have been virtually ...

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