
Looking into the Earth with sound

Even as a small child Staring was fascinated by the earth and what was going on inside it. "I collected all kinds of rocks and wanted to know about things like earthquakes and volcanoes. And when I discovered that there were ...

Detecting toxic PFAS with a chip-sized sensor

PNNL has patented an accurate and portable way to detect miniscule amounts of an extremely persistent toxic chemical that accumulates in our bodies and our environment.

ATLAS Experiment measures the 'beauty' of the Higgs boson

Two years ago, the Higgs boson was observed decaying to a pair of beauty quarks (H→bb), moving its study from the "discovery era" to the "measurement era." By measuring the properties of the Higgs boson and comparing them ...

Study captures the molecular architect of cells' infrastructure

Each of the body's cells contain a miniature version of New York's subway system—an intricate network of tracks called microtubules along which cargo moves from place to place. The integrity of this system is essential ...

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