
US journalist charged in hacking plot is sacked

A US journalist charged with conspiring with the hacker group Anonymous to break into and alter an online Los Angeles Times story said Monday he has been fired by Reuters.

Most in US, Canada support Keystone pipeline

A majority of both Americans and Canadians support the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline to funnel oil from Alberta's tar sands to Texas refineries, according to polls Monday.

White House backs Internet sales tax bill

The White House Monday backed a Senate bill to force online retailers like Amazon and eBay to collect state and local sales taxes, hoping to end a cost disadvantage hampering bricks and mortar businesses.

Yahoo! weaves Summly into new iPhone app

Yahoo! on Monday released an iPhone app that weaves in story summarizing software bought from a London schoolboy last month for a sum reported to be around $30 million (£20 million).

Dutch reality show seeks one-way astronauts for Mars

Are you crazy enough to sign up for a one-way trip to Mars? Applications are now being accepted by the makers of a Dutch reality show that says it will deliver the first humans to the Red Planet in 10 years.

New NASA satellite takes the Salton Sea's temperature

(Phys.org) —An image from an instrument aboard NASA's Landsat Data Continuity Mission or LDCM satellite may look like a typical black-and-white image of a dramatic landscape, but it tells a story of temperature. The dark ...

NASA's HyspIRI: Seeing the forest and the trees and more

To Robert Green, light contains more than meets the eye: It contains fingerprints of materials that can be detected by sensors that capture the unique set of reflected wavelengths. Scientists have used the technique, called ...

For development in Brazil, two crops are better than one

New research finds that double cropping—planting two crops in a field in the same year—is associated with positive signs of economic development for rural Brazilians. The research focused the state of Mato Grosso, the ...

Fish was on the menu for early flying dinosaur Microraptor

University of Alberta-led research reveals that Microraptor, a small flying dinosaur was a complete hunter, able to swoop down and pickup fish as well as its previously known prey of birds and tree dwelling mammals.

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