
The bottled water industry's healthy origins

Huge outcry ensued from my recent article about how Brexit would hurt Britain's bottled water industry. The outcry wasn't to do with Brexit. Instead, it was over the very existence of a bottled water business.

Adaptive radiations in the Mesozoic

Bony fishes are the most diverse of all extant vertebrate groups. A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the group now provides new insights into its 250-million-year evolutionary history.

IBM demonstrates new breakthrough in AI performance

IBM has demonstrated a new breakthrough in AI performance. By using machine learning on POWER9 with NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs, IBM technology can now predict the likelihood of a user clicking online advertisements 46x faster ...

Easy pets or fast dogs? The problem with labelling greyhounds

Racing greyhounds suffered around 5,000 injuries last year, and more than 900 were put down. As many as 257 animals were destroyed at the trackside, another 333 were killed due to the cost of treatment or a poor prognosis, ...

Innovative detectors quickly pinpoint radiation source

Innovative "lighthouse" detectors that use a sweeping beam to quickly pinpoint a radiation source in seconds are reducing radiation exposure for workers and opening up new areas for robotic monitoring to avoid potential hazards.

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