
Lingering seeds of the sexual revolution

The sexual revolution, commonly defined by The-Pill-enabled swinging ’60s, actually started earlier, continued longer and sparked much broader consequences than the proliferation of free love, according to a new study ...

Malaria mosquitoes reveal pathogen defense strategies

(PhysOrg.com) -- In analyzing malaria mosquitoes in sub-Saharan Africa, a Cornell-led team of researchers finds evidence of two very different evolutionary paths in the immune systems of neighboring mosquito groups.

Cow simulator to teach vet students

How do you teach vet students where things are in an animal, when they can’t see what they are touching? In the past vet students were taught using cows. Now thanks to a simple and effective training aid, Breed’n ...

Energy Conference spotlights military's green energy

It’s not surprising that the U.S. Navy should be at the cutting edge of new energy alternatives, said Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, speaking at the annual MIT Energy Conference on March 5. Innovation in energy is ...

Beetle explorers name new species for Roosevelt

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new species of a rugged darkling beetle that thrives in an arid region of the Chihuahuan Desert is being named in honor of Theodore Roosevelt on the 100th anniversary of a speech he gave at Tempe Normal ...

Sociologist examines a new American elite

Shamus Rahman Khan, an assistant sociology professor, is interested in elites. As a graduate of St. Paul’s School, one of the most prestigious boarding schools in the nation, he thought that by going back there for a ...

Focus on adaptation when times are tight

Biologists have been advised not to over-commit time and effort establishing broader climate change links to local ecological impacts.

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