
A more sensitive sensor using nano-sized carbon tubes

Electro-mechanical sensors tell the airbag in your car to inflate and rotate your iPhone screen to match your position on the couch. Now a research group of Tel Aviv University's Faculty of Engineering is making the technology ...

Process in big-screen plasma TVs can produce ultra-clean fuel

The process that lights up big-screen plasma TV displays is getting a new life in producing ultra-clean fuels, according to a report here today at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS). It described ...

Governments fail to protect red and pink coral

International governments today failed to grant trade protection to the unique and valuable red and pick corals (Coralliidae) used in jewelry and home décor, despite sound science showing that regulation is needed ...

Overcoming tumor resistance to anti-cancer agent TRAIL

The TRAIL ligand is a promising anticancer agent that preferentially kills tumor cells without apparent damage to healthy cells. Many cancers exhibit resistance to TRAIL, however, thus limiting its therapeutic potential. ...

Bone-hard biomaterial

Screws used in surgical operations are often made of titanium. They usually have to be removed after a while or replaced by new ones. A new biomaterial makes this unnecessary. It promotes bone growth and is biodegradable.

Bloome syndrome protein is critical for meiotic recombination

Researchers from Cornell University (NY) provide the first analysis of the function of Bloome syndrome protein (BLM) in mammalian meiosis. Bloome syndrome (BS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by stunted growth, cancer ...

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