
Sheep can benefit urban lawn landscapes and people

Bicycles whirr by, students rush to class, staff and faculty are grabbing lunch or coffee on the go—and sheep graze the grassy knolls among the traffic, bleating every now and then. The grazing is their job.

Narwhals' hungry summers as climate warms

Narwhals may not be much good at hunting in summer, according to new research that warns the unicorn-tusked whales may be dangerously reliant on their ice-bound winter habitat that could "disappear" with climate change.

Yams benefit from banana 'paper' cocoon

Wrapping yam seeds in biodegradable paper made from a mixture of unusable parts of banana plants and recycled cardboard boxes sharply increased yam size and yields in field tests conducted in Benin, Africa.

U.S. labor strikes up 52% in 2022 as worker activism rises

Strike numbers rose in 2022, reflecting a trend of more U.S. work stoppages in recent years by workers and activists in the labor movement, according to a report published Feb. 21 by the Cornell University School of Industrial ...

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