
Alien plants and animals drive native species to extinction

Accidentally or deliberately introduced species are the second most common threat associated with recent global extinctions of animals and plants, a new study from the University of Adelaide and UCL, in the UK, has found.

Organic solar cell breakthrough gives big performance boost

A patented breakthrough by researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology improves the efficiency of organic photovoltaic cells by 50 percent, and could someday provide a huge boost for the viability of solar ...

Alpha Centauri—our first target for interstellar probes?

With the completion of New Horizons' Pluto fly-by, its primary mission, should we now set our sights even higher, ambitiously taking aim at other star systems? If so, Alpha Centauri would probably be considered as the best ...

Human champion certain he'll beat AI at ancient Chinese game

The world champion of the ancient board game Go, South Korean Lee Sedol, expects to prevail in a match with Google's computer program AlphaGo next month, but he's not so sure he will be able to do so a year later.

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