
Primitive forms of complex human processes identified in Amoeba

(Phys.org)—The evolution of multicellularity marks one of the most profound evolutionary developments contributing to the appearance of human and animal life on the planet. However, with relatively little known about this ...

Controversial dam removals founded on value conflicts

Researchers at Umeå University conclude that public opposition to dam removal is not based on knowledge deficiency, as is sometimes argued in dam removal science. It is instead a case of different understandings and valuation ...

Asteroids no match for paint gun, says professor

(Phys.org)—There is research that is off the wall, some off the charts and some off the planet, such as what a Texas A&M University aerospace and physics professor is exploring. It's a plan to deflect a killer asteroid ...

Metaio announces AR processing unit for phones

(Phys.org)—Metaio this week announced its AREngine, an augmented reality chip that closes in on the future of smartphones as AR devices for daily use. The hardware chipset being introduced is a jump up for Metaio which ...

Fruit flies medicate their larvae with alcohol

(Phys.org)—A new study in the U.S. shows that fruit flies lay their eggs on a food source with a high alcohol content if they see parasitic wasps in the area, instead of a non-alcohol food.

US college tests fingerprint purchasing technology (Update)

Futurists have long proclaimed the coming of a cashless society, where paper currency and plastic cards are replaced by fingerprint and retina scanners smart enough to distinguish a living, breathing account holder from an ...

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