
Solving the great Australian poop problem

Cattle farmers deal with a lot of persistent crap—literally. And the humble dung beetle might just be the answer they've been looking for.

The influence and importance of language

In the hours immediately following the events at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, no one quite knew how to describe what had happened. It wasn't simply because nothing like it had occurred in a century, but also because ...

The Very Large Array: Astronomical shapeshifter

When the Very Large Array was completed forty years ago, it was a different kind of radio telescope. Rather than having a single antenna dish, the VLA has 27. The data these antennas gather is combined in such a way that ...

Scientists shine new light on heat-damaged hair

A new technique allowed researchers to observe in greater detail how heat alters keratin proteins, helping in their search for ingredients that can prevent heat-damaged hair.

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