
Mother bear knows best place to call home

(Phys.org)—Mama bear appears to know what's best when it comes to selecting a place to call home, according to a new University of Alberta study.

Improved thermoelectric materials with atomic layer deposition

Researchers at the Aalto University School of Chemical Technology have applied atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique to the synthesis of thermoelectric materials. Converting waste energy into electricity, these materials ...

Ocean heatwave decimates vital seaweed habitat

The decimation of a seaweed that provides vital habitat for an interdependent web of marine species off the WA coast, as a consequence of a record ocean heatwave, has been revealed in a paper published in Proceedings of the ...

Wood on the seafloor: An oasis for deep-sea life

Trees do not grow in the deep sea, nevertheless sunken pieces of wood can develop into oases for deep-sea life - at least temporarily until the wood is fully degraded. A team of Max Planck researchers from Germany now showed ...

America archives its billions of tweets

The Library of Congress, repository of the world's largest collection of books, has set for itself the enormous task of archiving something less weighty and far more ephemeral—Americans' billions of tweets.

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