
DNA research offers clues on cell mutation

A team of researchers from Colorado State University has been studying DNA damage in living cells to learn more about how genetic abnormalities arise. It has long been known that DNA molecules in every cell get constantly ...

Video: The hunt is on for gravitational waves

Gravitational waves are tiny distortions of space-time caused by some of the most violent cosmic events such as colliding black holes. The observation of these 'ripples of space-time' requires exquisitely sophisticated new ...

Lifting crude oil ban means lower gasoline prices

Lifting the ban on crude oil exports will reduce gasoline prices in the United States, according to an analysis co-written by Charles Mason, the H.A. True Chair in Petroleum and Natural Gas Economics at the University of ...

Data transfer reaches new heights at supercomputing conference

Transferring data files may seem a routine task to some, but to researchers, it's a task that becomes arduous when large amounts of computational data are involved—especially when considering large distances and wide area ...

Robots learn by watching how-to videos

When you hire new workers you might sit them down to watch an instructional video on how to do the job. What happens when you buy a new robot?

A fish may hold the key to more efficient wireless networks

As wireless networks become more crowded with devices and more taxed by the demand for anytime, anywhere access, these networks are susceptible to radio frequency interference and jamming. It's a problem that potentially ...

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