
Ice shapes the landslide landscape on Mars

How good is your Martian geography? Does Valles Marineris ring a bell? This area is known for having landslides that are among the largest and longest in the entire solar system. They make the perfect object of study due ...

EU frees up cross-border online shopping

The European Union have agreed to lift barriers to consumers shopping online for cheaper goods and services in other EU countries, with the rules to take effect late next year.

Imaging technique unlocks the secrets of 17th century artists

The secrets of 17th century artists can now be revealed, thanks to 21st century signal processing. Using modern high-speed scanners and the advanced signal processing techniques, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology ...

Infectious diseases: CTRL + ALT + Delete

Gene editing is revolutionizing the bioscience research landscape and holds great promise for "deleting" diseases from human bodies. Sandia National Laboratories is working to make this technology safer and to ensure that ...

Ancient barley took high road to China

First domesticated 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East, wheat and barley took vastly different routes to China, with barley switching from a winter to both a winter and summer crop during a thousand-year ...

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