
Victorian beard craze inspired false 'mechanical' whiskers

Today they are a male fashion accessory, adored by hipsters and spurned by clean-shaven creatives. But in the 19th century, men associated beards and whiskers with manliness, strength and even male beauty.

Saturn's gravity uncovered by satellite images

Scientists from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) are part of an international team that has discovered minute fluctuations in Saturn's gravitational field using several thousand images of the planet's moons obtained ...

Living fossil genome unveiled

Published today in the open-access journal GigaScience, is an article that presents the genome sequence of Ginkgo biloba, the oldest extant tree species. The research was carried out by a team of scientists at BGI, Zheijiang ...

Smallest LHC experiment has cosmic outing

Roughly once a year, the smallest Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment, LHC-forward (LHCf), is taken out of its dedicated storage on the site near the ATLAS experiment, reinstalled in the LHC tunnel, and put to use investigating ...

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