
Assessing the reproductive health of animals

Animal breeding is an interest shared by farm owners and pet lovers, yet how to simply assess animals' reproductive functions remains a question. An Osaka Metropolitan University researcher provides a potential answer with ...

Young people ignored in bid to stop bullying

There is a disconnect between young people's perspectives and how school bullying is treated in practice and policy in Australia, a leading expert has warned.

Speeding up DNA computation with liquid droplets

Recent studies have shown that liquid-liquid phase separation—akin to how oil droplets form in water—leads to formation of diverse types of membraneless organelles, such as stress granules and nucleoli, in living cells. ...

Marine protected areas combat the effects of climate change

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are one of the solutions being put forward to help adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. To demonstrate their effectiveness, scientists from CRIOBE (CNRS/École Pratique des Hautes ...

AI-based model that predicts extreme wildfire danger

Raging wildfires occurring worldwide have caused tremendous economic damage and loss of life. Knowing when and where a widespread fire could happen in advance can improve fire prevention and resource allocation. However, ...

The early evolution of successful twig mimicry in insects

Twig mimicry is most common and diversified in Phasmatodea (stick and leaf insects), a group of iconic models for understanding the evolution of camouflage and mimicry among insects. Extant stick and leaf insects exhibit ...

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