
Meet Savannasaurus, Australia's newest titanosaur

The outback region around Winton in central Queensland is arguably Australia's ground zero for giant dinosaur fossils. Here, graziers occasionally stumble across petrified bones on their paddocks, amid the stubbly grass and ...

By nixing coal, Iceland grabs green with geothermal heat

As Cornell considers geothermal heat to warm its campus, Icelandic engineer Thorleikur Johannesson told the story of how his country abandoned coal and set standards to achieve blue-ribbon blue skies in an Oct. 16 visit to ...

Image: Jupiterrise

This image of the sunlit part of Jupiter and its swirling atmosphere was created by a citizen scientist (Alex Mai) using data from Juno's JunoCam instrument. JunoCam's raw images are available atĀ www.missionjuno.swri.edu/junocamĀ for ...

The life cycle of a flood revealed

A NASA analysis of a 2015 Texas flood is the first to document the full life cycle and impacts of a flood on both land and ocean. Using data from NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite and other satellite instruments, ...

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